Reasons To Learn A Language In India

Due to the high level of competition, learning a global language equally becomes important. English, being a top language has played a crucial role in developing our nation globally. Likewise, you can learn different languages for a purpose or knowledge only.

For example, you have an interest in learning Spanish, IzyDaisy helps you find the best Spanish classes in India. Similarly, you can be a master of one or more languages by finding the foremost language school in India.

So, do you pick a language that is spoken in your region or a language of another region where you want to visit? Or do you pick the native language of people who work in your field? Different people have different reasoning to learn a language in India so we are a platform where you can find the best coaching centers.

Also, we have got a few ideas to help and believe these are the best languages to learn.

1. English

Being the most popular language in the world, the use of English is growing country-by-country internally and for international communication. One in five people at least speak some English so if you don’t speak the native language, you can communicate with them in English.

It forms a bridge between cultures and languages so no wonder it’s one of the top languages used in the world.

2. Spanish

After English and Chinese, Spanish is the third most spoken language. It has 400 million native speakers around the world. By joining Spanish classes in India, you won’t just open up a path for traveling Europe and South America, it is also the ideal language of North American people.

Today, 13 percent of the U.S. population speaks Spanish as a first language and soon, the U.S. will have more Spanish-speaking folks than any other country.

3. Chinese

Chinese is the second most-spoken language in the world, it’s not just a language but rather a group of slangs that are so distinct from one another so technically be separate languages.

It uses the writing system of characters rather than an alphabet so learning just one Chinese slang, allows you to communicate in writing with the native folks.

4. French
After English, French is the most widely learned foreign language, it is a very useful foreign language for travel. It is a common first language of not just France and Canadian people but also many African and Asian folks.

Even if it’s not your interlocutor’s first language, it is one of the languages that he or she speaks.

5. German

German is the widely spoken native language in the European continent, it is an easy foreign language spoken by many English speakers.

With thousands of analogous and a fairly severe rule structure of Grammar, the student can acquire the language pretty quickly. It is not only spoken in Germany but also in Austria and Switzerland.     

6. Russian

Russian is the widely spoken language in Europe and the universal language of the speakers of Eurasia. It is not used in Russia only but in many soviet states as well as in Mongolia and Israel.

The U.S. government has identified Russian as the foremost language so you can learn a language in India and open the path of employment in one of the many federal agencies.   

Likewise, you can learn any language that interests you from the leading language school in India that helps you with personality development as well!!  


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