Find a Job in India

 Unemployment is a major problem faced by people all around the world. India is no exception, Indian unemployment rate stood at 6.1% in 2018, which was the highest in 40 years. it is said by CMIE, the body that monitors Indian economy that 11 million jobs were lost in 2018. The highest Indian unemployment rate was recorded in 1983 at 8.3 % while the Lowest was recorded in 2014.
The importance of measuring  unemployment exists beyond statistics, a person without a job is unable to provide for himself in turn his family will suffer, a collection of such unemployed people will lead to enormous amount of families getting affected, this will mean the country will get lesser revenue, lesser consumer spending, the more the unemployment rate, the less cash there will be to fuel the day-to-day machinery. It has been recorded through history that a good employment rate and economic growth is important for a country to be stable, high poverty and unemployment rates have been the precursors to many social unrest movements all around the world.
It's not an easy task to look for a job, especially the one you deserve, underemployment also affects so many people today - they do the jobs that are completely irrelevant to the education sought and get paid very less amount for the hours that they put in resulting to Zero savings or sometimes they cannot even afford to win their daily bread or sound shelter.
To get a job one must know where to find it, in the olden days you had to either walk around the whole city looking for that rare "employees wanted" sign or apply for the one that said "relevant" job found on the classifieds section of the daily newspapers. Nowadays things are much easier, you could just scroll through a free classifieds job portal like and look for the jobs you want within your locality and contact the employer directly without any hassle. You can easily find a job in India using their free classifieds services just using your mobile phone. 1000s of Employers post job advertisements on and find the right suitable candidates for the post here, so, if you are a small start-up company looking for the right candidate you can simply post your vacancy ad for free and the applicant will directly contact you.
The sectors that will see major boost in 2020 in terms of increased employment opportunities are the IT sector, manufacturing sector, retail sector, FMCG, finance and insurance, so it will be advisable to find a job you like within these sectors as there will be higher probability of find a job in India within them. The employment opportunities in India might seem a little dull right now, but things are going to fire up soon, as it's predicted that by 2022 there will be a demand for 109 million skilled labours. So, keep scrolling through your screen for jobs that strike your interest, because you will never know when you will find the job of your dreams, might just be a page away or a day away.


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